Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mini Split Heating and Cooling. Costly Maintenance.

Mini Split Heating and Cooling. Costly Maintenance.

The unit should be kept regularly and should always be checked by a specialist every year or so to confirm if all functions are present and that the unit is operating at full capacity. Obstruction of drainage ditches and dust from the air filter should be cleaned or replaced when necessary.


When you have a very old air conditioning maintenance will be more expensive, problems are always present so you will have to call a technician every time you fail the air, will not be sufficient to clean the filters or dust, must now spend more on buying new parts. Why not purchase a new system better, so you can remove that headache.


Alpine Heating and Cooling. High Energy Consumption.


If you have an old air conditioning system you could be losing a lot of energy and money. Most older unit has a SEER rating of less than 8. So if you have an old unit, you should consider replacing it with a more efficient energy system.


Do not expect to change your AC, discover new technologies such as Inverter. With an inverter air conditioner can be achieved, depending on their habit and time of use (use more savings over) consumption savings of up to 25% compared to traditional systems, and avoiding the constant stops and starts the apparatus. Our products feature Inverter technology, which definitely will make you save money and energy.

Split System Heating and Cooling. Risk of Disease.

Not the same an air conditioner with a compressor 10 years old in a device that has received much use to a new compressor. In the case of the compressor, when we review the functioning surely we realize that is not in good condition. An old or used air conditioner brings many health problems.


Do not jeopardize the health of the family, old air conditioners, often generate respiratory problems. Do not spend in hospitals or drugs if you can replace your Air Conditioning System right now. And if you need professional help can be turned to us, calling us 877-770-3548 or visiting our website.

1 Ton Mini Split. Constant Repairs.

The air conditioning has become a vital element in the life of human beings, is that these air conditioners are those that ensure our comfort regardless of the outdoor temperature. We can live a harsh winter and find comfy on our couch watching TV or listening to music. It is impossible to live with comfort and peace if our air conditioning is faulty and breakdowns constantly.

Repairs to air conditioning systems are temporary, give a good use of your money. The continuous repairs will make you spend your money, do not miss this opportunity. Experts conclude that a system used or old spoils the quality of life of people.

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