Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Best Mini Split Systems. Syndrome-the-Sick-Building.

Best Mini Split Systems. Cleaning and Desinfection.

Cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning ducts of dust and harmful particles that accumulate in them is essential to maintain healthy air conditioning installation and avoid the so-called sick building syndrome.


There are modern methods of cleaning air conditioning ducts that usually exploit the entry or exit of air ducts (grilles, diffusers, etc.) to introduce robots with different mechanical cleaning systems, such as rotating brushes, suction and waste collection, or by injection of air cleaning or water.


These robots are often complemented by displays and imaging, so that the professional and the user can first, previous analysis to produce a report on the needs of even cleaning, and secondly, to verify the result of the same and the new state of the air conditioning ducts with the classic "before" and "after."

Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner. Cleaning Air Conditioning Ducts to Prevent Sick Building Syndrome.

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is the term adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO), which defines that in which its occupants exposed complaints about health in more than 20%, not often accompanied by physical injury or organic, and whose causes are difficult to identify. The occupants of the SEE, show symptoms such as stress, depression, rashes, headaches, breathing problems, swelling of the throat or eye irritation, caused by various factors related to the state and condition of the building in which the disease develops.

Mini Split Air Conditioning Units.The Causes of this Syndrome.

Indeed, WHO considers that a building is ill when at least 20% of the occupants suffer discomfort of the poor air quality.


This syndrome is characterized by a number of symptoms that are common to other diseases. What sets it apart from the others is that the symptoms disappear when you leave the building and typically affecting several of the occupants.


Among the causes of this syndrome, find root causes physical, chemical and biological, the latter related to the air conditioning system, not only for its ability to recycle the contaminants throughout the environment as a function of return, but constitute a suitable habitat for reasons of moisture and light and temperature for the growth of fungi, viruses, bacteria and mites that may be incorporated into a carrier system for contaminated. An estimated 37% of sick leave resulting from Sick Building Syndrome. Hence the importance of regularly cleaning air conditioning ducts.

Mini Split AC Units.  Air Duct Cleaning Healthy and Compulsory Regulations.

The UNE 100012 sanitizing the ventilation system and air conditioning defines how often monitor for ductwork and air handling units. It goes beyond the maximum values ​​indicating contamination (biological and particulate matter) that can be supported, which is not usual microbiological issues-set count values ​​from microorganisms which are considered contaminated and below them, not. Also generally defines how a project should be pursued sanitizing or decontaminating a ventilation system and air conditioning.


Royal Decree 314/2006, of 17 March, approving the Technical Building Code, Article 13 states that we are required to make operation in the new facility, and how often.


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