Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ductless Split and Others -

Ductless Split - Heat pump for Heating.

A heat pump is a thermal machine which operates based on the principle of Carnot, heat is transported from one point (which can be air, water or land) to another higher temperature level. This process is generated by the change of state of gas to a liquid coolant, usually by means of a compressor.

Ductless Split System Reviews - Refrigerator.

A clear example of heat pump could be a refrigerator. In this case, heat is transferred from the refrigerator, reducing its temperature and hence the food to the outside of the refrigerator, ie, stay, increasing its temperature.

Heat pump air to air: The heat is taken from the air is transferred directly to the air in the room to be heated.


Heat pump air to water: The heat is taken from the air and transferred to a water system that will supply a floor / ceiling heating / cooling, radiators, fan coils or heaters.

Sanyo Ductless Split - Heat Pump Water / Water.

The system takes the heat from a water circuit in contact with an element that will give the heat (the ground water table) to transfer it to another circuit of water as in the previous case. System is generally adopted by geothermal heat pumps.




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