Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ductless Heat Pump - Compressor is also in Heating.

Ductless Heat Pump - The Essential Part.

The compressor on the essential air conditioning is responsible for injecting and return the coolant to achieve the cold and heat where heat pump.

The air conditioning compressor is the key component to the energy performance of an air conditioner. When we talk about air conditioning compressor or a reversible heat pump, we refer to the device placed outside the cabin to be cooled.

Ductless Air Conditioning - Compress Function.

The air conditioning compressor or heat pump has the function of compressing the gas (refrigerant) in a cycle which permits compression / decompression to produce a heat transfer from one part to another of a refrigeration circuit. In effect, when compressed gas is heated and conversely, when released, its temperature is reduced. The air conditioning compressor is electrically operated. An efficient compressor streamlines the air conditioner from the standpoint of energy consumption. Consumption in relation to the performance of the system is the coefficient of performance or COP.

Ductless Heat Pump Reviews -  Various Compressors.

Scroll compressor or centrifugal: A spiral shaped rotor without interruption compresses gas by rotating around another fixed spiral. This type of compressor is used for domestic or split air conditioners to be very energy-efficient one.

Swing compressor, rotary or swivel: An auger rotates to compress the gas between the cylinder and a rotating part allows the passage of gas. Average efficiency.


Piston or reciprocating compressor: using one or more pistons sliding in sealed manner in a cylinder to compress the refrigerant fluid, admitted into the cylinder through a valve or passageway, through the suction caused by the recoil of the piston. This compressor is less efficient.

Ductless Heat Pump Cost - Inverter Compressor.

The air conditioning compressor inverter consists of two fixed compression chambers. It comprises a cam roller for compressing the liquid in each chamber. The two rollers are mounted on the same axis and are diametrically opposed. This configuration allows a perfect balance of applied stresses on shafts which prevents vibration, they virtually disappear.


The vibration reduction reduces noise and makes the life of the compressor increases. Furthermore, the contact force between the roller and the wall is smaller, reducing the friction, improving the performance automatically compressor.

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